Crito's Clock v2.1 for Windows 3.0 Crito's Clock is Shareware. To register your copy send $4 to: Crito P. Philippatos 317 David Lane Knoxville, TN 37922 CLOCK2.EXE - 17463 BYTES Please verify correct file size. VBRUN100.DLL Required. Valid configuration characters: d - Day without leading zeros dd - Day with leading zeros ddd - Day as abbreviation dddd - Day as full name m - Month without leading zeros m - Minute without leading zeros, if used after h mm - Month with leading zeros mm - Minute with leading zeros, if used after h mmm - Month as abbreviation mmmm - Month as full name yy - Year as two digit number yyyy - Year as four digit number h - Hour without leading zeros hh - Hour with leading zeros s - Second without leading zeros ss - Second with leading zeros AM/PM - Use 12 hour clock with capital AM or PM am/pm - Use 12 hour clock with lowercase am or pm A/P - Use 12 hour clock with capital A or P a/p - Use 12 hour clock with lowercase a or p Additional valid characters are: + - * / ! @ $ % ^ & ( ) Clock Interval: Value is in milliseconds, therefore the default 1000 is for one second. The range of valid values is 1000 to 900000 (15 minutes). It is suggested that, unless the second display is needed, this value be set as high as possible for better Windows performance. Removing the second display also helps alleviate flicker problems. When "Stay in Front" is checked this value is also the interval at which the display will be made "visible". Display Width: Trim or expand the display to the desired width. Save on End To save your settings to the WIN.INI entry [Crito's Clock Display], exit the program from the End key.